Chelsea McKimmie
Chelsea McKimmie
Recently, a thoughtful inquiry from a client sparked a deeper exploration into the composition of our fragrances at Shniff. The question was simple but significant: Are your fragrances phthalate-free? The short answer is yes! In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of phthalates, their uses, and why Shniff prioritizes phthalate-free formulations for our scents.
Understanding Phthalates:
Phthalates are a group of chemical that serve various purposes, from softening plastics to extending fragrance life. Notably, certain phthalates find common use in fragrance oils, contributing to the overall aromatic experience.
Concerns Surrounding Phthalates:
While some phthalates, specifically those employed as plasticizers, have raised health concerns, it's essential to differentiate them from the type used in fragrance oils. Shniff specifically avoids a particular phthalate known as DEP (Diethyl Phthalate), commonly used to enhance the aromatic strength of fragrance oils.
Why Shniff Opts for Phthalate-Free Formulas:
Though DEP has been deemed non-toxic in cosmetic applications, Shniff understands the general apprehension surrounding phthalates. As a result, we've chosen to exclude them from our products, prioritizing your trust and peace of mind. While this decision may affect the longevity of some scents compared to others on the market, your satisfaction and confidence in our products remain our top priority.
Navigating the Phthalate Stigma:
Phthalates often face the same collective judgment as snakes – some are considered "venomous" and others are harmless. They often get grouped together. So, like snakes, some people prefer to avoid them all together (sorry to any sneks we may offend) At Shniff, we acknowledge the stigma but assure our customers that our fragrances are specially formulated to be phthalate-free, alleviating any concerns related to their effects.
At Shniff, we believe in transparency and providing our customers with products that prioritize safety without compromising quality. Choosing phthalate-free fragrances is a conscious decision to address concerns and uphold the trust you place in us. Explore our collection at and experience the difference of fragrances crafted with care.
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